Sea Fish Species Guide
With over 300 different species of fish being found in coastal waters around the British Isles, it is easy to understand why some of the less common species can be difficult to identify. Whilst species such as cod and bass are fairly well recognised by anglers, the differences between plaice, dab and sole can still be a struggle to identify for many anglers.
Here we discuss many of the fish that are sought after or likely to be encountered by sea anglers. We disclose the essential facts required to begin catching the species of your choice, whilst also providing information which will allow you to identify your catch.
If you’re planning to fish in UK waters, you’re probably going to need a fishing licence, explained here.
Search For Sea Fish Species
Sea fish species across the British Isles can be split into three main categories:
1. Round Fish
Round fish are fish which have a round cross section and a body which narrows into a tail – pretty much exactly what you would think of when you think of a fish – they also tend to have broad heads and gills. Cod, haddock and bass are all common examples of round fish. The majority of these fish species can be found in relatively shallow water; as a result they are regularly caught by sea anglers across the UK. There are, however, a few round fish species which favour deep water and so are not often caught from the shore – these species include haddock and ling.
The bass is a commonly caught fish in British waters; it has silvery sides, a blue-grey back and a cream/white belly. It has two distinct fins, the first with 9 spines and the second with 13 spines. It also has a large mouth armed with sharp teeth. Warning: Keep your hands clear of the dorsal spines as they can be sharp…
Black Bream
Black Bream (Spondyliosoma cantharus)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught black bream can weigh 2.25 Kg (5 lbs) or more. The average black bream weighs around 0.70 Kg (1½lbs).
Also known as:
Porgy or Seabream
Red Bream
Red Bream (Pagellus bogaraveo)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught red bream can weigh 2.72 Kg (6 lbs) or more. The average red bream weighs around 0.90 Kg (2 lbs).
Also known as:
Blackspot seabream
Coalfish (Pollachius virens)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught coalfish can weigh 8.15 Kg (18 lbs) or more. The average coalfish weighs around 3.20 Kg (7 lbs).
The coalfish is closely related to cod and young coalfish are referred to as “billet”.
Cod (Gadus morhua)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught cod can weigh 14.50 Kg (32 lbs) or more. The average cod weighs around 5.45 Kg (12 lbs).
Also known as:
Codling and Atlantic Cod
Garfish (Belone belone)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught garfish can weigh 0.90 Kg (2 lbs) or more. The average garfish weighs around 455 g (1 lb).
Also known as:
Sea Pike, Needlefish and Garpike
More Round Fish
Yellow Gurnard (Trigla lucerna)
Grey Gurnard (Eutrigla gurnardus)
Red Gurnard (Aspitrigla cuculus)
Average Weight:
The yellow gurnard is the largest, big rod-caught yellow gurnards can weigh 3.62 Kg (8 lbs) or more.
Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught haddock can weigh 3.60 Kg (8 lbs) or more. The average haddock weighs around 1 Kg (2¼ lbs).
IUCN Status:
VU – Vulnerable
John Dory
John Dory (Zeus faber)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught John Dory can weigh 4 Kg (9 lbs) or more. The average John dory weighs around 0.90 Kg (2 lbs).
Also known as:
St. Peter’s Fish
Ling (Molva molva)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught ling can weigh 18.14 Kg (40 lbs) or more. Commercial trawlers have netted specimens weighing in excess of 294 Kg (650 lbs)!
The average ling weighs about 6.80 Kg (15 lbs).
Also known as:
Common ling
Mackerel (Scomber scombrus)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught mackerel can weigh 1.6 Kg (3½ lbs) or more. The average mackerel weighs around 0.55 Kg (1¼ lbs).
Also known as:
Atlantic mackerel
Monkfish (Lophius piscatorius)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught monkfish can weigh 27.2 Kg (60 lbs) or more. The average monkfish weighs around 9 Kg (20 lbs).
Also known as:
Anglerfish, headfish, goosefish and sea-devil
Thick-lipped mullet (Chelon labrosus)
Thin-lipped mullet (Liza ramada)
Golden grey mullet (Liza aurata)
Average Weight:
Thick-lipped mullet: Big rod-caught thick-lipped mullet can weigh 3.6 Kg (8 lbs) or more. The average thick-lipped mullet weighs around 1 Kg (2¼ lbs).
Pollack (Pollachius pollachius)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught pollack can weigh 7.25 Kg (16 lbs) or more. The average pollack weighs around 2.26 Kg (5 lbs).
Also known as:
Pouting (Trisopterus luscus)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught pouting can weigh 1 Kg (2¼ lbs) or more. The average pouting weighs around 0.6 Kg (1¼ lbs).
Also known as:
Pout, Bib and Blegg
Greater Weever (Trachinus draco)
Lesser Weever (Trachinus vipera)
Average Weight:
The greater weever has an average weight of around 230g (½ lb), whilst the lesser weever is considerably smaller, only growing to about 150 mm (6 inches) in length.
Also known as:
The lesser weever can also be known as the sting fish.
Whiting (Merlangius merlangus)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught whiting can weigh 1.4 Kg (3 lbs) or more. The average whiting weighs around 0.5 Kg (1 lb).
IUCN Status:
LC – Least Concern
Ballan Wrasse (Labrus bergylta)
Cuckoo Wrasse (Labrus mixtus)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught ballan wrasse can weigh 2.7 Kg (6 lbs) or more. The average ballan wrasse weighs around 1 Kg (2¼ lbs).
Cuckoo wrasse are much smaller, big rod-caught cuckoo wrasse can weigh 0.55 Kg (1¼ lbs) or more. The average cuckoo wrasse weighs around 227 g (½ lb).
IUCN Status:
Both species of wrasse have the LC – Least Concern – status.
2. Flatfish
These fish have the typical flattened bodies you would expect, with their fins being located around the edges. They generally have a lateral line visible along the middle of their cross-section, with both eyes positioned on the upper side of their head. Flatfish are commonly labelled as either right eyed or left eyed, depending on the side of the head the eyes are located when the fish is viewed from straight on.
The most common species of flatfish are discussed here, although there are some very rare species which are generally found in particularly deep water and are highly unlikely to be encountered by anglers. It is also worth mentioning that despite skates and rays looking similar to flatfish, they are actually completely different and more closely related to sharks than flatfish.
Brill (Scophthalmus rhombus)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught brill can weigh 4.5 Kg (10 lbs) or more. The average brill weighs around 1.8 Kg (4 lbs).
The brill is a left eyed flatfish…
Dab (Limanda limanda)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught dabs can weigh 0.70 Kg (1½ lbs) or more. The average dab weighs around 340 g (12 oz.)
Also known as:
Common Dab
Flounder (Platichthys flesus)
Average Weight:
Big flounders can weigh 1.56 Kg (3½ lbs) or more. The average flounder weighs around 0.45 Kg (1 lb).
Also known as:
Halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught halibut can weigh 40 Kg (90 lbs) or more. Commercial deep sea trawlers have even caught halibut which weigh more than 115 Kg (250 lbs).
Atlantic halibut
Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught plaice can weigh 2.25 Kg (5 lbs) or more. The average plaice weighs around 1 Kg (2¼ lbs).
IUCN Status:
LC – Least Concern
Sole (Solea solea)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught sole can weigh 1.36 Kg (3 lbs) or more. The average sole weighs around 0.55 Kg (1¼ lbs).
Also known as:
Common sole and Dover sole
More Flatfish
3. Eels
In the UK there are only two species of eel which will be encountered by anglers – the conger eel and the european eel. Eel species are identified by their characteristically long bodies, a lone fin which is present across their entire body and their slimy, scaleless skin.
There are fish species which have some, but not all of these characteristics and therefore are not eels. Other eel species do reside in UK waters, however these exist at extreme depths and will never come into contact with common anglers.
Conger Eel
Conger Eel (Conger conger)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught conger eels can weigh 27.20 Kg (60 lbs) or more, making them the largest eel species in the world by weight. Conger eels caught by commercial fishermen has been reported to be around 100kg (220 lbs).
European Eel
European Eel (Anguilla anguilla)
Average Weight:
An average european eel weighs 3.6 Kg (8 lbs)
IUCN Status:
CR – Critically Endangered
Here are other species of fish which can be found in British waters but do not fit the clear descriptions of either round fish, flatfish or eels. This section covers skates, shark species and rays.
Bull Huss
Bull Huss (Scyliorhinus stellaris)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught bull huss can weigh 7.3 Kg (16 lbs) or more. The average bull huss weighs around 3.6 Kg (8 lbs).
Also known as:
Nursehound, large-spotted dogfish and greater spotted dogfish
Common Skate
Common Skate (Raja batis)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught common skate can weigh 68 Kg (150 lbs) or more. Common skate are known to exceed 180 Kg (400 lbs) in weight! The average common skate weighs around 20.41 Kg (45 lbs).
IUCN Status:
CR – Critically Endangered
Lesser Spotted Dogfish
Lesser-spotted Dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught lesser spotted dogfish can weigh 1.6 Kg (3½ lbs) or more. The average lesser spotted dogfish weighs around 1 Kg (2¼ lbs).
Also known as:
Lesser-Spotted Dogfish and Rockfish
Smoothhound (Mustelus mustelus)
Starry Smoothhound (Mustelus asterias)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught Smoothhounds and Starry Smoothhounds can both weigh 9.10 Kg (20 lbs) or more. The average Smoothhound and Starry Smoothhound weigh about 4.50 Kg (10 lbs).
Also known as:
The smoothhound is also known as a common smoothhound or a gummy shark.
Sting Ray
Sting Ray (Dasyatis pastinaca)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught sting rays can weigh 18.14 Kg (40 lbs) or more. The average sting ray weighs around 6.80 Kg (15 lbs).
IUCN Status:
LC – Least Concern
Thornback Ray
Thornback Ray (Raja clavata)
Average Weight:
Big rod-caught thornback rays can weigh 9.07 Kg (20 lbs) or more. The average thornback ray weighs around 4.53 Kg (10 lbs).
Also known as:
Roker and Skate